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Exploring Holochain and Ceptr

Table of Contents

We are scheduling regular online, participatory forums for exploring holochain, how it works, what it means for changing social and technological structures.

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When: Friday, April 28. Noon - 2PM PDT

Where: Online - Link to Zoom Room - Link to Facebook Event

What: The purpose of this presentation is to provide an introduction to Holochain and detail its role within the larger MetaCurrency Project.

Content of the presentation:

  • Historical context of the MetaCurrency Project
  • The project’s guiding purpose and vision, including why Holochain is needed
  • Influences and inspirations contributing to Holochain’s design
  • Examples of things that will be possible with Holochain
  • Details about the current state of the technology
  • Examples of what is already being made using Holochain.

There will also be room for questions from the audience during the later portions of the presentation.


Ferananda Ibarra Ferananda Ibarra - Culture crafting, collective intelligence and new paradigm economics geek in love with experience design and facilitation. Currency designer in the making.
Eric Harris-Braun Eric Harris-Braun - Code monkey, lover of all things meta, grammars, expressions, receptors, current-sees and more.
Arthur Brock Arthur Brock - Culture hacker, software architect, and alt.Currency geek who spends way too much time on working on things that don’t yet exist.

Understanding Holochain:

Holochain is a next-gen technology platform that addresses many needs for secure communication and building peer-to-peer applications. Holochain goes beyond blockchain architectures, removing bottlenecks by creating independent, parallel chains, addressing social coherence, accountability and governance, and the ability to more rapidly evolve protocols. Billions of dollars are being thrown at blockchain right now, even for projects that would be much better served by Holochain.

Distributed Applications and Decentralized Currencies

  • Holochain is a platform for building, launching, and distributing applications which run as a peer-to-peer system without central servers or hosting.

  • As an underlying communication and development infrastructure, the Holochain protocols must be open source and not privately owned.

  • There is a huge demand for decentralized architectures for communications, applications and currencies evidenced by the most successful crowd-equity sales in history.

  • People are clamoring for cooperative platforms to effectively share resources and create new commons. Think AirBnB or Uber, but without a central corporation extracting profits from using our homes or cars.

  • Holochain uses similar cryptographic techniques as the blockchain for ensuring data integrity in a distributed system, but goes far beyond its capacities for processing and storage.

  • Holochain removes the bottleneck of consensus on a shared ledger with human-centric design instead of coin or token-centric design.

  • Holochain is designed to enable a new breed of agent-centric cryptocurrencies (instead of token-centric ones) enabling mutual credit issuance and whole ecosystems of interoperable current-sees (monetary and non-monetary).

More information at: